Why Deify

Posted: March 2, 2014 in Misc

The Question is WHY DEIFY, why do you idolize. When I ask such question I get an answer saying “ Aww He is so cute” , “She is so beautiful” , “ I like his Style”, “ I like the way he walks  “ SERIOUSLY ? Just these things that make you follow the person. Having said that I do find people with optimistic replies where they talk about the person’s life history, the struggle they have gone through and come out positive, I mean there are few people who actually know the person’s background and do research with a lot of alacrity. As per my observations, I have observed people where they try to adapt the idiosyncrasy of the person they deify. Yes, we all need motivation, encouragement to achieve our goal. I can take an example of many people who are around the globe, but that is not what I want to articulate, if I do so , I would never end up writing. There are many success stories , you can pull out any book, start reading it, and keep yourself motivated, EASY. VERY EASY, isn’t it? Read the book, apply it in your life and you are successful. Give me one name that has ended up being successful reading these books on motivation and success story of other personality.  What I want to say here is why not make others write a book on you, Why not be the hero of the movie, why not create our own path, why not? If Mark made “THE FACEBOOK” why not aim to buy Facebook instead of making another site like facebook or may be make something better than facebook . Why not? Why not make better gadgets than what apple makes , and get bigger than Apple may be WATERMELON . Ignore that gag , but on a serious not why not think out of the box is what I mean to say .

It’s easy to follow someone , it’s easy to read stories and get inspired , but think and get pensive if possible and work out your own path , the stimulation should be with the perception which should assert “ I CAN DO THIS TOO”  it should echo in your heart that if they can do it even I can do it , that is what motivation and inspiration should translate to all of us . This idea should encapsulate and should be injected in our cells , it’s a competitive word out there , what makes you better than them ? What makes you better than  Mr Zuckerberg , What makes you better than Mr Steve jobs ? You can imagine the day you silhouette will be against your fans , those camera flash, crowd chanting your name, crazy fans jumping on you, press , media ready to write or record the words you utter , everything so affluent . Chauffeur ready to drive ,Chopper ready to fly , signing autographs , personal numbers, you manager taking care of your appointments, Ok lets come back to earth, now all that you imagined can be true , no I am not harry potter neither are you, let us be particle and try to look for the talent inside us that makes us better and  exceptional from the rest of the crowd , but recognizing is not the end of the story it’s about implementing and executing it , SHAH RUKH KHAN came to Mumbai with Rs1500 , slept in benches, borrowed Rs 20 from his friend to travel everyday,when he got married he did not have enough space to adjust the bed, and today his house looks not less than a KINGS PALACE,  look at this man today he is more than the worth of $600 Million  , what did he do ? Was he good at something? Did he execute it well? the answer if in front of you GOOGLE SRK and u will have 1,54,00,000 results (0.36 seconds) . I brought up the example of SRK because I deify him , not that I want to be an actor , not at all , I cannot be an actor that’s not the area where I am good at , but where I am good at I am working on it , and will try to make others write my story , today I am including his name in my blog may be tomorrow someone  at  some corner will be writing a blog on me and may have a collection of motivational stories or collection of inspirational self help books written on me .

I remember a song where I heard this saying Work until your idols become your rivals.I think this actually summarizes everything that I want to put across, just like the example of facebook,Apple. I hope you can relate what I mean here. It is very easy to follow , easy to empathize of one’s hardship and commend , but it’s difficult to place yourself there. Remember when we were in school ? Teachers , Relatives asked us , WHAT IS YOUR AIM ? Then some of us said Soldiers, Doctors,Pilot,Scientist  . We were so innocent we didn’t even know what it takes to become a soldier, what it takes to be a doctor, we had a zeal , it was something that fascinated us , it’s the way we looked into our future, why cant we do that now ? But if you look at yourself what are you now? Have you done anything to get even a step closer?  Ok I do not want any altercation on this. I am just highlighting a point, Just because we were kids and we did not have responsibilities it was easy for us to say what we aim for, but once you grow young words are lambasted and turns out to be a sepulchral monument , we all have something that is bothering us all the time, things we just can’t ignore, everybody in the word has problems no one is happy , it’s the just our perception that makes us look the grass green at the other end .

I am Sure you have heard those motivational speeches, read books on inspirations and aspirations, they are all rubbish , who knows Mark , Steve  they both were lucky , it is another fairy tale , and we all think we are all unlucky people smoked with execution which leads to our epitaph  and nowhere , may be it’s because of  superficiality , let’s be unlucky but let us be practical and not read those fairy tale and dream yours , another quote that I came across was “ If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.  J.M. Power “ that is so true isn’t it? Until and unless we work on it how are we suppose to achieve it ? But the Best thing I came across was this quote which says  “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.  Attributed to Carl Bard “.  I am sure you have interpreted the quote and understood the message.  Well that may be Victoria’s Secret. But the question is what is your secret?

The Choice is your you either keep reading and hearing the motivational speech or you make people write , read and listen to your motivational speech , if you still can answer me then please answer my question “WHY DEIFY”?


  1. Hitesh Furtive says:

    je baat, another rocking article

  2. First of all – congratulation to this article! It’s a motivation for me to pursue the goal to become better then I am today. But I guess, you would appreciate not only base flattery; so I hope, you don’t mind that I have a little constructive criticism too. 😉
    In my opinion you loose a little bit the central theme in the course of the article. Though it’s logical that the way from deifying an idol leads to the thought, why one deifies and that one tries to apply it on the own life. But nonetheless, in my opinion you wander too much from the subject, especially at the last paragraph. And the last sentence leaves me more with a question mark than an answer – why should I, after I have decided whether to keep reading or to make people write, read and listen to my motivational speech, answer the question “Why deify”? Maybe just the title should have been meant in a different way – instead of “Why deify?” probably “Why deify doesn’t teach you success?” Then the context to the subject probably would have been clearer to me.
    But otherwise I think your article is very felicitous! You carves out very well what it means to be successful – namely to work hard on yourself and to improve YOURSELF and thereby to make yourself better – and not to simply copying other successful people.
    In any case you have found a fan in me with your articles and I’m curious about your next works! 🙂

    • Well I must say Well Observed and a healthy Criticism , I respect your opinion and thank u for those kind words , Means a lot ! Will post the next one soon . THANK YOU so much for taking out time and poring in your priceless comments ! thank u

      • Mention not 🙂 I know how it feels to put your soul into your writing. And I detected that you can take constructive critisicm to improve yourself. I’m sure you will outstand yourself in your next article and after that you will outstand that one and so on. 🙂 I’m just glad that I can make a little contribution to show you perhaps another point of view. Keep it going!

      • Sure , Trust me these feedback are very important in order to improve ! I will not call it “CRITICISM” i will call it an HONEST FEEDBACK . thank u for all

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