Teddy Travelogues

Posted: December 18, 2014 in Social Network

Monday morning blues, work pressure its gets monotonous at times, It has been observed that we dwell more in corporate world than the world that we leave back at home. Similar scenario can be synced with my relatives and family friends as well, they are engrossed and lost in that excel sheet and are oblivion about the rest.

Durga puja in bengal is a huge festival, most of us also plan out a short trip before or after the puja, you can say its a vacation time for us, the last three days Maha Astami, Navami and Vijaya Dashami are the 3days which we consider it to be holi days and make sure all the family members are present during the puja. Having said that it is that one time in the year where all neighbors, friends, family are united  and are in a celebration mood.  Hence I too joined my family and relatives for a vacation.

We decided to “GO GOA” , Aarush was very excited for this trip, this little fellow is full of fun and very naughty. He was simply everywhere, from the time we took off till the time the time I felt the nudge of the aircraft while landing , this guy was was taking to me and was sharing his previous experience and plans for the trip. Since he is so talkative I have suggested him to pen down a travelogue here: http://www.clubmahindra.com/teddytravelogues/ as I explored that they are encouraging travelogue written by children.

It was totally a different experience this time, previously I was with my friends at Goa, but this time with Kids around and specially Aarush, I could compare the situation now, while I was standing at the same place holding his hand, I was holding a bottle of beer few months back. The ambiance was different and the surrounding had a smell of a responsibility.


Aarush was excited for the bike ride, he made sure he was riding with me, he would point out all the beautiful scene that he came across and wanted more speed. Comparing the same scenario when I was riding with my friends we checked out bars,pubs and eateries but this little guy made me aware of the surrounding which now looked beautiful and different from what I had experienced earlier.

While we were riding,  I asked Aarush if he would remember the way back to the hotel if he was left alone in the middle of the road, he replied that he would ask people around and take help from the people who pass by, he added saying he may also end up asking help from the cops if possible,

I added another question, I asked him will he remember the place and the beauty that he has witnessed after 10 years when he will be here with his friends?.  He replied saying that he will remember everything and was proud of his memory saying that he will even remember the conversation. Having said that I suggested him to write down a travelogue so that he can refer to his own write up after 10 years and compare his experience,

Allow me to quote Francis Bacon :  “Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read ”

10 years from now I hope Aarush will be asking the same question to his cousin and would be able to compare his experience like me. He will have an added advantage of the travelogue that he has penned.

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