Condition Serious Hai

Posted: February 23, 2014 in Social Network


Recently Facebook Brought Whatapp , Don’t know with what intention did MARK brought it for but, We all must have the same query in our mind .  For sure, “CONDITION SERIOUS HAI “Who knows what is in Store for future, what if facebook is chargeable after a year of free period just like whatsapp was.

Feb 22nd 2014 it was observed Whatsapp servers were out-of-order, people around the world could not Communicate, Tweets, facebook post it was all there that is when I observed Condition Serious Hai, Every post had insinuation, with the sense of foreboding users posted it with Sarcasm , Few users were pensive about what would be the next update like ? The fixation of such application not responding was evident by the users on social networking sites, The topic of whatapp and Facebook merger was dealt with a lot of alacrity , Having said that the discussion was not all beneficial for anyone , I might sound stern here but that the truth Condition Serious hai , we all are getting derelict about the real world and concerned more about the Virtual world

Since whatsapp was down I guess people forgot that they had to breathe, one user tweets “ I never had whatsapp I don’t care if its down “ that’s when my heart said , “DUDE YOU HAVE A LIFE” and then the next tweet I observe is from a girl who tweets “ how BORING WHATSAPP not working “  that’s when I felt like saying  “ Was that you part of life just the your personal Soap opera on whatsapp ”  ?  I was wondering if this girl is playing with emotions . Condition Serious Hai


Condition Serious Hai because the population on facebook and twitter is climbing . Seems like no jobs available. Condition Serious Hai , people are turning into Social Networking addict






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